Thank you one and all for all the support and i wish that our team really rocks the blog world..!!
Well now coming to some techie..!!
I know why people hated winodws vista but personally i was really happy to use windows vista(well agreed so many times it created huge problems).Leaving apart this fact,i still love vista.

But i guess soon the unsucessive run of Vista will come to slow down stage as world's largest software company is in the final stages of completing the operating system, the successor to the unpopular Windows Vista.
Microsoft Corp officials disclosed the fact of its RC('release candidate') on 30th April 2009
Congrats on the 200th post bro...u should be regular over here..atleast for me...:)...
thats a awaited OS from long time...its time for me to move on from vista into ...7 :)..
bro i have mailed u something pls reply to it :)..
Firstly....congratulations for the have a long way round...!!!
all the very best..!!!
and abt the Windows 7..i am waiting for it...Vista was not good but now after using it for a seems better...agree??
belated happy birthday budds
congrats :) come out with many more updates bout gadgets :)
btw.. belated YAPPY BURRDAY!!! :)
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