Two years after announcing a somewhat vague software-distribution partnership, Google Inc. and Sun Microsystems Inc. have clarified their tactics for jointly attacking Microsoft Corp. and its ubiquitous Office software.
Over the weekend, Google quietly began including Sun's StarOffice suite of word processing, spreadsheets and other workplace-oriented programs for free as part of the Google Pack download.

The download package is part of Google's efforts to expand beyond Web search and control more of users' computing experience online and offline. It already includes Firefox, the No. 2 Web browser behind Microsoft's Internet Explorer, and RealNetworks Inc.'s RealPlayer, a key rival to Microsoft's own media player.
By adding Sun's software, Google is giving a valuable endorsement to a server and software maker that saw demand for its products collapse after the dot-com bust and has struggled to return to sustained profitability ever since.
StarOffice is Sun's commercial version of the freely distributed OpenOffice suite, which also was developed by Sun and has been downloaded about 100 million times.
StarOffice typically costs $70 to download but is being distributed by Google for free. It has more features than OpenOffice and typically includes technical support from Sun, though the free Google version won't.
Both companies declined to comment on their financial arrangement.
I donot know where this googly of google will take microsoft too,but i can surely say,BEWARE MICROSOFT.
i wouldn't really say that. the war is clearly a google vs msoft now, with every other player reducing to nothingness. there was a time in the past when a stategic alliance with the kinds of SUN would have made ms shit its pants- not anymore. now sun is the old man in his deathbed commanding respect for the younger days when he was big and strong. google is perhaps just doing the good deed of the day by letting the old guy die with some pride!
yes,,it is the war between google and microsoft ,,as said by mark iv
and microsoft should be worried
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